Loyalty . Loyalty . Loyalty .

“He slipped between the cracks of my forgetfulness to show me, ‘when I say move you    m o v e’.”

Have you ever prepared to start something new, whether it is a new workout program, food plan, launch a website, release a song, write a script, find a film crew, get back in school, whatever goal that makes you say, “I’m doing this” and in your mind, you set out to do it, but the steps you take have an outward appearance of being slow and fearful? You’re fully confident in the outcome, yet nothing to show for all that you’ve been talking? Your friends and family ask, “What’s up? What have you been working on?” ..and you’ve got nothing…to show.

Yea, well…I noticed that happens when a person is dragging their feet. And that is okay because the Universe will pick them up and move them forward FOR you. Majestic things will transpire that will force you in a position to make a solid move. It’s pretty much like when Drake asks, “Is you with me or what?“. It prompts you to demonstrate your level of loyalty.

I have been telling all of my friends and family that I am committing to my blog Joy N Mee. All the while, I have been doing tons of “behind the scenes/figuring out” work for six months without anything to show that I am doing this thing for real. Then one week, I scheduled a post and did not transfer the scheduled post date to my physical calendar to edit, review and promote just before it would publish.

. .  the nudge of intuition I had been receiving during the week to complete those tasks I didn’t tap into . .

Scrolling in my phone, half asleep in my bed the morning I set to probably edit, review and promo, I received a notification from WordPress.com reading, “Joy N Mee: ‘Who Do You Think You Are ?’ has been published!”

Saaaay whaaaat? I jumped out of bed in a panic because nooooo that was not how this was supposed to go!!! I had a plan!!

My friend visiting from Kansas City attempted to calm me by telling me it was an easy problem to solve and to simply delete it, remove the post, save it for later.

I refused. I couldn’t do that; it was already done. As a side note, I operate on a bit of dramaticism, I believe everything is a sign, I like to see what God is doing and what God can do. And so since that’s what naturally happened, the way I view it is: it had to be done. I had been holding onto all of my “stuff” for too long. The Universe knew I was ready to release it and let myself be .. so .. it allowed me to by publishing something I already had scheduled for posting.

How beautifully amazing ..

· · had this event not occurred, I would have postponed Who Do You Think You Are? for another week or two so I could perfect it before I put it out there. In turn, all that does is postpone the intangible from manifesting into my reality. Slowing the momentum · ·

I have chosen to work with what happens rather than against it. Sure there are some things that can be perfected, but there are new creations that can be made and each one will improve as I create. Therefore, I must initiate whatever it is and be a witness of the results I can produce…release and renew, always.

What commitment are you postponing in your life?

Test your level of loyalty to yourself. Trust the fire born in you is with purpose. Take consistent, wholehearted action towards it. And continue…

 • Stay connected •

Know that if God calls you and tells you it’s your time and time goes by and you’ve been playing…your life will be forced onto the stage where you will either choose to perform or walk off.

You answered the call so why aren’t you ready?

It is our duty to  l i v e  out the call.

∞ ∞ ∞

Affirm : I choose to perform for you, Lord. I trust you to do me.

∞ ∞ ∞

Do  Y O U .

With honor.


4 responses to “Loyalty . Loyalty . Loyalty .”

  1. Allison Haynes Avatar
    Allison Haynes

    Transparency looks good on you, my sweet…♡


    1. Thank you 🙏🏿 .. it’s easier the more I continue.


  2. […] I focus my mind on success instead of survival? Why didn’t I have confidence to perform and follow […]


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